Budget & Admin Services
25-008, Award, Purchase and Delivery of STX Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Reduction Chemicals - Annual Contract (Utilities)
Recommended Action:
a) Approve award of Sole Source File #25-008, Purchase and Delivery of STX Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Reduction Chemicals - Annual Contract, to Source Technologies, LLC, of Lakeland, Florida, at the unit price of $44.50 per gallon, for the term of January 1, 2025, through and including, December 31, 2025, with option to renew for additional year(s); and
b) Authorize the County Administrator to approve annual renewal(s), at the same prices, terms, and conditions. This is an annual contract for the purchase and delivery of STX H2S Reduction Chemicals.
Budgeted Action:
No action needed. Budgeted in the Utilities Operations and Maintenance Fund - Operations budget as approved in the FY2025 budget process. Funding for this expenditure comes from rate revenues.
BACKGROUND (Why is this Action Necessary, and What Action will be accomplished)
This is an annual contract for the purchase and delivery of STX H2S Reduction Chemicals, on an "as required basis". These chemicals reduce/eliminate H2S air and liquid sulfide loading in the wastewater at the Charlotte County Utilities (CCU) West Port Headworks location. The original contract, awarded on 09/13/21, was awarded to multiple firms with proprietary chemicals to test which chemical would be successful in eliminating the H2S problems CCU were facing. As trial ended, Source Technologies, LLC was awarded the remaining contract with their STX chemicals performed victoriously.
This award would allow CCU to continue using STX chemicals in a new annual contact setting. The Vendor was contacted and agreed to extend the original annual contract unit price of $44.50, which also includes shipping costs, to a new contract.
A copy of sole source let...
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