Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/25/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-6796 1  InvocationPastor Bill Frank First Baptist Church of Punta Gorda   Not available Not available
2025-6741 1  ProclamationFlood Awareness Week Irish-American Heritage Month St. Vincent De Paul Day Zonta Yellow Rose Day   Not available Not available
2025-6740 1* Employee RecognitionAmbassador Program Graduates - Fall 2024   Not available Not available
2025-6883 1* Consent Item - RegularLeadership Development Program Recognition   Not available Not available
2025-6746 1* Committee VacanciesBarrier Island Fire Service MSBU-Vacancy   Not available Not available
2025-6819 1* Committee VacanciesCommunity Action Agency Advisory Board (CAAAB)   Not available Not available
2025-6854 1* Committee VacanciesMSBU-MSTU Advisory Board Vacancies   Not available Not available
2025-6849 1  Report RecievedClerk of Court’s County Quarterly Investment Report   Not available Not available
2025-6705 11. Consent Item - RegularFinance   Not available Not available
2025-6706 11. Consent Item - RegularMinutes   Not available Not available
2025-6857 11. Consent Item - RegularAppointment - Gulf Cove Street & Drainage Advisory Board   Not available Not available
2025-6858 12. Consent Item - RegularAppointment - Gulf Cove Waterway Advisory Board   Not available Not available
2025-6859 13. Consent Item - RegularAppointment - Northwest Port Charlotte Street & Drainage Advisory Board   Not available Not available
2025-6873 14. Consent Item - RegularAppointments - Marine Advisory Committee   Not available Not available
2025-6889 15. Consent Item - RegularVerification of Completion of Mandatory Training   Not available Not available
2025-6794 11. Consent Item - RegularAddendum Number Two to Memorandum of Understanding - Joint Region 6 Next Generation 911 Project   Not available Not available
2025-6888 12. Consent Item - RegularMOA Approval and Property Access Documents for Snapper Creek Restoration   Not available Not available
2025-6895 13. Consent Item - Regular2025 State Legislative Agenda   Not available Not available
2025-6896 14. Consent Item - Regular2025 Federal Legislative Agenda   Not available Not available
2025-6848 11. Consent Item - RegularProperty Appraiser Carryover Funding   Not available Not available
2025-6703 12. Consent Item - Regular25-234, Piggyback, Purchase Dump Truck Replacements (Public Works)   Not available Not available
2025-6793 13. Consent Item - Regular25-241, Piggyback, Purchase of Two (2) Freightliner Ambulances (Public Safety)   Not available Not available
2025-6817 14. Consent Item - Regular25-249, Piggyback, Fire Engine Replacement (Public Safety)   Not available Not available
2025-6842 15. Consent Item - Regular25-185, Award, 2025 Road and Bridge/MSBU Paving Program (Public Works)   Not available Not available
2025-6845 16. Consent Item - Regular25-252, Award, Sheriff’s Office District 4 Furniture (Facilities)   Not available Not available
2025-6866 17. Consent Item - Regular25-268, Piggyback, Volvo EW180E Wheeled Excavator (Public Works)   Not available Not available
2025-6876 18. Consent Item - Regular11-079, Approve Amendment 4, Fixed Base Automatic Meter Reading System (Utilities)   Not available Not available
2025-6824 19. Consent Item - RegularSecond Lease Agreement for Charlotte County Computer Group   Not available Not available
2025-6861 110. Consent Item - RegularAgreement for Asbestos Consulting Services - Harborview Road   Not available Not available
2025-6862 111. Consent Item - RegularAgreement for Business Damage Consulting Services - Harborview Road   Not available Not available
2025-6863 112. Consent Item - RegularAgreement for Engineer Consulting Services - Harborview Road   Not available Not available
2025-6864 113. Consent Item - RegularAgreement for Review Appraisal Services - Harborview Road   Not available Not available
2025-6868 114. Consent Item - RegularAgreement for Relocation Consulting Services - Harborview Road   Not available Not available
2025-6869 215. Consent Item - RegularAmendment #1 to the Agreement for Appraisal Services - Harborview Road   Not available Not available
2025-6850 116. Consent Item - RegularFY25 Block Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA) & Resolution   Not available Not available
2025-6855 11. Consent Item - RegularAssignment, Assumption, and Amendment for Genesis Safe House, Bishop House, and Chara House   Not available Not available
2025-6820 11. Consent Item - RegularApproval of Grant Agreement with the FDOT for Intersection Improvements at SR 776 and Flamingo Blvd   Not available Not available
2025-6843 12. Consent Item - RegularApproval of Grant Agreement with FDOT for a planning study on US41 (SR45) from Kings Highway to the Peace River Bridge   Not available Not available
2025-6851 13. Consent Item - RegularKings Highway Widening Credit Purchase Agreement   Not available Not available
2025-6856 14. Consent Item - RegularFDOT Priority Project Information Packet for SR 776 at the Charlotte County Sports Park   Not available Not available
2025-6892 11. Consent Item - RegularNotice of Award, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency FY25 Grant Agreement Award to Charlotte County - Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership   Not available Not available
2025-6860 11. Regular AgendaAppoint by Ballot - Grove City Street & Drainage Advisory Board   Not available Not available
2025-6894 12. Regular AgendaPlacida Bunkhouse   Not available Not available
2025-6909 13. Regular AgendaHarborview Road Appraisal Process   Not available Not available
2025-6906 14. Regular AgendaTemporary Emergency Burn Ban Resolution   Not available Not available
2025-6907 15. Regular Agenda911 Update From Sheriff   Not available Not available
2025-6853 11. Public HearingFirst Quarter Budget Adjustments   Not available Not available
2025-6679 11. PresentationVirginia B. Andes Mobile Clinic   Not available Not available
2025-6821 1UA1. Consent Item - Land UseDRC-24-171, Starling, Phase I   Not available Not available
2025-6822 1UA2. Consent Item - Land UsePFP-23-05-02, Babcock Ranch Community Crescent Lakes Phase 2   Not available Not available
2025-6823 1UA3. Consent Item - Land UseFP-21-03-08, Cove at West Port Phase 4   Not available Not available
2025-6825 1UA4. Consent Item - Land UseFP-22-06-03, Babcock Ranch Community, Village II, Parcel 1 - Phase 1   Not available Not available
2025-6830 1UB1. Public Hearing - Land Use ItemPD-23-00009, Flagler Storage Group LLC PD Rezoning   Not available Not available
2025-6831 1UB2. Public Hearing - Land Use ItemCDD-25-01, Petition to Amend Boundary and Change Name of Eagle Creek Community Development District (CDD)   Not available Not available
2025-6832 1UB3. Public Hearing - Land Use ItemPAL-24-02, TAG Lakeside Large Scale Plan Amendment to Medium Density Residential (Adoption)   Not available Not available
2025-6833 1UB4. Public Hearing - Land Use ItemPD-24-02, TAG Lakeside PD Residential Development   Not available Not available
2025-6834 1UB5. Public Hearing - Land Use ItemPAS-23-00002, Commercial Development at Pinedale and SR776   Not available Not available
2025-6835 1UB6. Public Hearing - Land Use ItemPD-24-10, Commercial Development at Pinedale and SR776   Not available Not available
2025-6758 1  ScheduleSchedule   Not available Not available