Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-6925 1  Employee RecognitionYears of Service - February 2025   Not available Not available
2025-6797 1  InvocationReverend Dr. R. Brian Stolarczyk Lutheran Church of the Cross   Not available Not available
2025-6742 1  ProclamationArtist of the Month - March/April Government Finance Professionals Week National Vietnam Day Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day   Not available Not available
2025-6872 1* Committee VacanciesBarrier Island Fire Services MSBU-Vacancy   Not available Not available
2025-6897 1* Committee VacanciesMSBU-MSTU Advisory Board Vacancies   Not available Not available
2025-6707 11. Consent Item - RegularFinance   Not available Not available
2025-6724 11. Consent Item - RegularMinutes   Not available Not available
2025-6898 11. Consent Item - RegularReappointment - Greater Port Charlotte Street & Drainage Advisory Board   Not available Not available
2025-6899 12. Consent Item - RegularReappointment - South Charlotte Stormwater Advisory Board   Not available Not available
2025-6878 11. Consent Item - RegularSet a Public Hearing to Consider Approving an Ordinance Amending the Code Relating to Security Alarm Systems Regulations   Not available Not available
2025-6880 12. Consent Item - RegularSet a Public Hearing to Consider Approving an Ordinance to Amend the General Ordinances and Special Acts Chapter 1-10 Entitled “Licenses and Business Regulations.”   Not available Not available
2025-6784 16. Consent Item - RegularProperty Deletions for the Month of March, 2025 (Purchasing)   Not available Not available
2025-6874 11. Consent Item - Regular25-204, Award, 2025 MSBU Paving Program (Public Works)   Not available Not available
2025-6887 12. Consent Item - Regular25-265, Award, Rotonda Water Reclamation Facility 2nd Set Membrane Replacement (Utilities)   Not available Not available
2025-6908 14. Consent Item - Regular24-642, Approve Change Order 2, County Right of Way Landscape Maintenance - Mid County - Annual Contract (Public Works)   Not available Not available
2025-6929 15. Consent Item - Regular23-393, Approve Cancellation, Design Cape Haze Water Quality Improvement Project (Utilities)   Not available Not available
2025-6893 13. Consent Item - Regular25-160, Award, Burnt Store Reverse Osmosis Plant Wellfield Improvements (Utilities)   Not available Not available
2025-6871 11. Consent Item - RegularRegional Planning Area Identification Request   Not available Not available
2025-6890 11. Consent Item - RegularPublic Safety Training Services Agreement   Not available Not available
2025-6877 11. Consent Item - RegularFlorida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Maintenance Agreement BE-I32   Not available Not available
2025-6882 12. Consent Item - RegularFlorida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Priority Project Applications   Not available Not available
2025-6885 13. Consent Item - RegularJoint Partnership Agreement (JPA) Agreement BE-108 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for Public Education   Not available Not available
2025-6958 12. Regular AgendaHands-Free Cell Phone Use Legislation   Not available Not available
2025-6950 11. Regular AgendaEnglewood Beach Update   Not available Not available
2025-6760 1  ScheduleSchedule   Not available Not available